In the heart of Genoa's
historical centre since 1981 POTERIE is a craft workshop that designs and
produces artistic tiles on commission. We have already talked about it. The
siblings Marcella and Valerio Diotto paint freehand views from a drawing or
photograph, create trompe-l'oeil and reproduce, as very few know how to do, the
'Genoese laggioni', the precious decorative tiles that in Spain and Portugal
are known as azulejos.
Another exclusivity of
the Poterie ceramics, which can be found in the online shop platform linked to
this site of Ligurian artistic handicrafts, is the transposition of the 40
watercolours on popular Ligurian costumes related to the trades of the early
19th century, taken from Antonio Pittaluga's volume 'Duché de Genes. Costumes
dessines sur les lieux' (Paris 1826). 16 tiles 16x21 from these delightful
designs can be ordered via e-commerce (other designs not currently available on
ceramics can also be ordered). They come
with a case, as appropriate for a
refined gift.
Marcella and Valeria
Dotto's workshop is located right in the historical centre in Salita del
Prione, the street that leads from Porta Soprana to Piazza delle Erbe and that
takes its name from a large boulder ('prion') that in the Middle Ages served as
a pulpit for municipal criers.
To buy Poterie's handicrafts visit our shop on line!