Beer for seafarers

Birrificio del Golfo produces a unique beer using natural processes.

Beer for seafarers

The Gulf Brewery has been active since 2005, transforming a deep passion for the Anglo-Saxon art of brewing into the production of craft beers, strongly linked to the Ligurian territory and similar to the English "Real Ales".

Over the years, it has perfected its recipes, the result of study and research of the craft brewer, and has grown by offering a varied and quality production at a local level. In 2020 it opened "La Scialuppa", a retail Beer Shop, set up in the brewery's premises.

The beer is made by hand using natural processes. It is neither filtered nor pasteurised. Each beer is unique, the result of the knowledge of the craftsman brewer, who uses only barley malt, flowering hops, water and yeast, avoiding any use of preparations or extracts.

Here are some of our products for sale online!