Pesto beats tomato sauce and ragout for the number of mentions on websites, social networks and print media related to Italian Food (40.4% vs. 33.1%).
three months, 44,000 mentions on Italian and foreign press, radio, TV, websites
and social networks were made about Pesto Genovese: exactly 7.3% more than
tomato sauce and meat sauce put together (the other typical sauces for
seasoning pasta such as carbonara and amatriciana are even further away). This
is an extraordinary figure which implies that knowledge and consumption of the
product that is the symbol of Ligurian food culture have increased considerably
in recent years, probably taking it from second to first place in the world, at
least if we want to stick to the old saying that 'where there's smoke there's
fire'. It is even more amazing that Pesto Genovese is first because it has been
mentioned in tens of thousands of communications that expressly concern Italian
Food. It is equivalent to a promotion in the field: from ambassador of Liguria,
to symbol of the whole country in the strategic sector of Italian pasta
the food category of this website it is possible to identify the
artisan companies that produce the high quality Genoese pesto that only the
culture of tradition can guarantee.
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