Laboratorio Artigianale Ramine

Laboratorio Artigianale Ramine

Born on the Riviera in 2007 in Finalborgo, the Ramine artisan workshop creates handmade artisan ceramics with passion and quality, respecting true Italian artisan tradition. Each object is developed from a first sketch that is then transformed into the final product by various work phases: the first firing is done for the “biscuit”, the second for decoration and glazing. Base materials are clay, color, and crystalline non-lead metals and quartzes.


Laboratorio Artigianale RamineLaboratorio Artigianale RamineLaboratorio Artigianale RamineLaboratorio Artigianale RamineLaboratorio Artigianale RamineLaboratorio Artigianale Ramine

Adheres to:
Artigiani in Liguria

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