Ceramiche Albatro

Ceramiche Albatro

Artisan ceramic-makers, Ceramiche Albatro founded in 1979 uses the potter’s wheel to replicate classic Albisolese ceramics. Pharmacy vases, Greek-type vases, and architectural embellishment masks are decorated in “Antico Savona” and other traditional design styles. Ceramiche Albatro molds hand-made dishes, which can be smooth or baroque, entirely by hand, as are its boxes of all types, including ceramic jewelry boxes, and works done in many colors, showing landscapes and sea scenes. It also makes panels and decorated tiles for interiors.


  • via Verzellino 71 r - 17100 Savona (Savona)
  • f. +39 019 811518
Ceramiche AlbatroCeramiche AlbatroCeramiche AlbatroCeramiche AlbatroCeramiche AlbatroCeramiche Albatro

Adheres to:
Artigiani in Liguria

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